- 产品描述
宝德0117电磁阀 burkert 0117特点:
- 紧凑型设计
- 低电功率消耗
- 开关时间短
- 带有隔膜的升降式衔铁阀
- 适合侵蚀性介质
宝德0117电磁阀 burkert 0117尺寸结构图:
When deenergized (in circuit function A) the valve is closed by spring action. When energized, the solenoid armature is drawn in 2/2-Way, G 1/8, UNF 1/4-28 Fluid Control Systems against a spring to open the valve. The solenoid epoxy encapsulation efficiently dissipates the heat generated by the coil.
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