- 产品描述
burkert 8012流量测量仪特点:
• Economic integration in pipe systems without any additional piping
• Optic or magnetic measuring principle
• Configurable output: 1 analog 4...20 mA and/or 1 transistor output (frequency or switch)
• Outputs configurable (through interface on USB port with PC)
burkert 8012流量测量仪:
,burkert 8012流量计,burkert8012,宝德8012流量计,8012宝德流量计,宝德流量计还有其他型号如:burkert 8025,burkert 8035。在电力工业生产中,对液体、气体、蒸汽等介质流量的测量和调节占有重要地位。流量计量的准确与否不仅对保证发电厂在*参数下运行具有很大的经济意义,而且随着高温高压大容量机组的发展,流量测量已成为保证发电厂安全运行的重要环节。如大容量锅炉瞬时给水流量中断或减少,都可能造成严重的干锅或爆管事故。这就要求流量测量装置不但应做到准确计量,而且要及时地发出报警信号。
The 8012 is made up of a fitting (S012) and an electronic module (SE12) connected together with screws. The Bürkert designed fitting system ensures simple installation into all pipes from DN06 to DN65. It can also be installed in fluid block systems。
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