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burkert 8056电磁流量计

burkert 8056电磁流量计

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burkert 8056电磁流量计,宝德电磁流量计,宝德80556流量计,burkert 8055,8056型宝德流量计,宝德8054。8056 型流量测量仪由一个S056 型传感器接头和SE56 型电子设备(在紧凑型结构中没有显示器,或者在紧凑型或独立式结构中带有显示器)构成,适合Z低电导率为 5 μS/cm 的液体。流量测量仪 8056 可以与一个计量阀结合使用,用于高度精确的灌注或计量过程。

  • 产品描述

burkert 8056电磁流量计特点:

  • 传感器接头 S056 与电子设备 SE56 的组合
  • 持续测量或计量
  • 3A 结构
  • 适合食品、饮料或制药领域
  •  Combination of magflowsensor fitting S056 and electronics SE56
  • • Continuous measurement or Batch Control
  • • Sanitary version, certificate • Dedicated to food & beverage or pharmaceutical applications
  • • Low-flow measurements on from 3 l/h

burkert 8056电磁流量计宝德电磁流量计,宝德80556流量计,burkert 8055,8056型宝德流量计,宝德8054。8056 型流量测量仪由一个S056 型传感器接头和SE56 型电子设备(在紧凑型结构中没有显示器,或者在紧凑型或独立式结构中带有显示器)构成,适合zui低电导率为 5 μS/cm 的液体。流量测量仪 8056 可以与一个计量阀结合使用,用于高度精确的灌注或计量过程。

The sensor fitting Type S056 consists of a stainless steel pipe section internally lined with insulating material. Two electrodes mounted opposite to each other on the internal surface of the tube generate an electrical signal. The coils generating the magnetic field are placed outside the pipe. The signal generated by the sensor fitting S056 must be amplified and processed by an electronics (SE56) which outputs an electrical signal proportional to the fluid flow velocity respectively to the flow rate. Faraday’s induction law is the basis for this magnetic flow measurement.

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