- 产品描述
宝德的流量计8032 burkert 8032,burkert流量计8032,burkert 8032流量计,宝德流量计8032,宝德8032流量计,burkert 8032。用以测量管路中流体流量(单位时间内通过的流体体积)的仪表。有转子流量计、节流式流量计、细缝流量计、容积流量计、电磁流量计、超声波流量计和堰等。
宝德的流量计8032 burkert 8032:
Minimum straight inlet and outlet distances must be observed. According to the pipes design, necessary distances can be bigger or use a flow conditioner to obtain the best results. The most important layouts that could lead to turbulence in the flow are shown below, together with the associated prescribed minimum inlet and outlet distances determined according to the standard EN ISO 5167-1。
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