- 产品描述
宝德角座阀187840 DN40 burkert 187840是不锈钢316L材质,宝德角座阀187840可过液体或者气体,burkert 187840螺纹接口,宝德气动阀187840阀芯下流向。
For valves with port connection clamp and weld end please see separate datasheets.
宝德角座阀187840 DN40 burkert 187840技术参数:
宝德187840开关阀连接方式:G1 1/2
宝德开关阀/burkert 187840通径:DN40
G3/8 DN15 00142613
G1 DN25 00178674 00186488
G11/4 DN32 00178697
G11/2 DN40 00178693 187840
G2 DN50 00001140 00001601
G21/2 DN65 00001373
High fl ow rates are attained with the gunmetal or cast stainless steel 2-way body. These maintenance-free and robust valves can be retrofi tted with a comprehensive range of accessories for position indication, stroke limitation or manual override.
如果你对宝德角座阀187840 DN40 burkert 187840感兴趣,想了解更详细的产品信息,填写下表直接与厂家联系: |