产品目录首页 > 产品目录 > burkert宝德 > burkert角座阀 > burkert 00178893 角座阀 G11/4
burkert 00178893 角座阀 G11/4

burkert 00178893 角座阀 G11/4

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burkert 00178893 角座阀 G11/4叫法有很多,如burkert 00178893、宝德00178893调节阀、00178893角座阀、00178893 调节阀、00178893角座阀。

  • 产品描述

burkert 00178893 角座阀 G11/4阀体材质是是不锈钢316,burkert 00178893通径DN32,宝德00178893调节阀订货号00178893.00178893角座阀连接方式及规范:

Type 2000/2702:G threaded port,weld end acc. EN ISO 1127/ISO 4200,weld end acc. DIN 11850 series 2
Optional:NPT, Rc threaded port,Weld end acc. BS 4825, ASME, SMS 3008。

burkert 00178893 角座阀 G11/4介质温度:
Fluid:-10 to +180 °C (max. +130 ºC for PTFE/St.st.Sealing recommended
Ambient:-10 to +60 °C。

The value of the position indication is a distance in [mm], in general the actual stroke (distance between valve-seat and seat-seal in mm). The digit after the vertical line represents 1/10 mm. Per revolution of the handwheel, the vertical position of the valve will change exactly 1.5 mm. For tuning of a well-defi ned fl ow rate, please take the chart with the fl ow rate and the stroke.

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