burkert5470 00135211

burkert5470 00135211

型    号:
报    价:

burkert5470 00135211,宝德5470电磁阀,burkert 5470电磁阀,宝德00135211,burkert 00135211,宝德135211电磁阀。可与以下产品配套:type 2506插头、burkert 2012球阀、type 0044气缸。

  • 产品描述

burkert5470 00135211,宝德5470电磁阀,burkert 5470电磁阀,宝德00135211,burkert 00135211,宝德135211电磁阀。可与以下产品配套:type 2506插头、burkert 2012球阀、type 0044气缸。3/2 and 4/2-way Solenoid Valve for pneumatic systems。

burkert5470 00135211产品介绍:

The type 5470 R is available as a 3/2 and 4/2-way valve. The valves can be mounted together individually
using the module flange. In various applications,they can be used advantageously as valve blocks. Different
variants are available for service ports 2 and 4.


3/2-way models (circuit functions C and D) with non-return valve in the module flange.
Only for direct current operation (DC), for alternating current (AC), place a cable plug with a rectifier upstream.
 For universal current operation (UC = DC or AC); rectifier, varistor and LED integrated into the coil.

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