产品目录首页 > 产品目录 > burkert宝德流量计 > burkert流量计 > burkert 8626-172660气体流量计
burkert 8626-172660气体流量计

burkert 8626-172660气体流量计

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burkert 8626-172660气体流量计既可进行气体流量计量工作,德国宝德气体质量流量计也可用于过程控制领域。burkert宝德宝帝气体流量计8626引进德国*技术生产,burkert宝德宝帝气体流量计8626无须温压补偿,宝德8626直接测出流体的质量流量。burkert 8626的突出特点是:没有可动部件;压力损失小;量程比宽;精度高;可靠性高;安装简单,操作方便。

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burkert 8626-172660气体流量计简单介绍:

The mass flow controller (MFC) type 8626 is suited for regulating the mass flow of high gas flows. The thermal inline sensor is located directly in the gas stream and therefore reaches very fast response times. A direct-acting proportional valve from Bürkert guarantees a high sensitivity. The integrated PI controller ensures outstanding control characteristics of the MFC. Type 8626 can optionally be calibrated for two different gases; the user can switch between these two gases. As electrical interfaces both, analog standard signals and fieldbuses are available. The mass flow controller type 8626 is especially designed for use in harsh environments due to a low sensitivity to contamination and the high protection class. The MFC fits for various applications, like e.g. burner controls, heat treatment, metallurgy, food and beverage industry, environmental technology, material coatings, fuel cell technology or test benches.

 burkert 8626-172660气体流量计特点:

Nominal flow ranges from 20 lN/min up to 1500 lN/min
High accuracy and repeatability
Short settling times
Protection class IP65
Optional: Fieldbus interface


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