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宝德电导率变送器点击次数:1164 更新时间:2017-04-06

burkert电导率可直观的菜单结构、宝德电导率8222可拆卸的编程模块、burkert 8222可通过编程模块上传/下载数据、burkert8222电导率变送器带可编程的输出信号,还包括来个晶体管输出信号、burkert 8202PH变送器外形美观、仪过程为导向的结构,通过一个或两个4-20MA模拟量进行电导率和温度输出。该变送器实际为适用于个各种测量范围,可配置两线和三线制供货。智能化、集成化、外形美观,可与多种接头配套。


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宝德8222简单介绍:The conductivity meter consists of a sensor,plugged-in and pined to the transmitter (with removable display). The sensor comprises a cell with two electrodes and a Pt1000 temperature probe. The sensor itself is available with three different cell constants C, these with C=0.01 or 0.1 are fitted with stainless steel electrodes and those with C=1.0 are fitted with graphite electrodes.

burkert 8222订货号:

559618 562394 559620 559614 559624 559610 559638 559622 559619 562395 559621 562397 559615 559625 559617 559627 559639 559613 559623


上一篇 宝德的导向微波物位变送器8185 下一篇 burkert的通用过程控制器8611
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