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burkert 2702角座阀参数点击次数:696 更新时间:2017-03-09

burkert 2702、宝德2702角座阀、宝德角座阀2702、burkert角座阀2702、burkert 气动调节阀2702。

The new generation of integrated positioners/process controllers for combination
with actuators from the process valve series Type 23xx/2103 is specially
designed for the requirements of hygienic process environments. The easy
handling and the selection of additional software functions are done either on a
big graphic display with backlight and keypad or via a PC interface. A contactfree
analogue position sensor registers the valve position without deterioration.
Single-acting or double-acting actuators are controlled via the integral positioner
system. With Type 8693, the process controller function is superimposed
on the position control loop. Profi bus DPV1 and DeviceNet communication
interfaces are available as options.




上一篇 burkert 8802气动调节阀 下一篇 宝德气动调节阀2300材质说明
中药超细粉碎机 氮气发生器 实验室纯水机 全自动总磷总氮测定仪 上海仪表七厂 上海真空炉 接触角测量仪 冻干机 光纤光谱仪 氮气发生器 数控无心磨床 活塞环双端面磨床 废弃物暂存柜 全自动红外测油仪 超重力床 远心镜头 气相色谱仪 超高清影像测量仪 安瓿熔封机 大容量摇床 高低温循环交变试验箱 希尔思S120油分检测仪 潜水搅拌机 无负压变频供水设备