- 产品描述
burkert6511 DN2.5mm电磁阀均装配有手动应急操作装置。型号 6511 是可串接的,带有向后主要连接 8640 型阀岛以及向前的插头接口,主要用于连接阀块以控制气动驱动装置。
Type 6511 consists of the pilot fl ipper solenoid valve Type 6144 and a pneumatic seat valve. the Flipper principle allows switching of high pressures with low power consumption and with short switching times. All valves are equipped with manual override as a standard. Type 6511 is extendable and preferably with a cable plug at the back of the valve island, Type 8640, and with the plug connection at the front of the valve block in the pneumatic control actuators.
burkert6511 DN2.5mm电磁阀介质参数:
通径 burkert DN2.5mm电磁阀
阀体材质 PPS PA
密封材质 NBR FKM
介质 中性气体和液体 比如压缩空气、水
介质压力 burkert PN2.5-10bar电磁阀
介质温度 0-+55°C
电压 burkert 24V DC电磁阀
防护等级 burkert IP65电磁阀
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